Startup pitch deck

What are you looking to create?

startup pitch deck

What are the main points you want to cover?

😎 Put It All Together (Commands + Variables + Structures)

Startup name: [name of startup]
Problem being solved: [e.g. lack of access to education, lack of access to healthcare, etc.]
Solution: [e.g. online learning platform, telehealth platform, etc.]
Market opportunity: [e.g. size of market, growth rate of market, etc.]
Team members: [e.g. names and roles]
Amount requested: [e.g. $100k seed round]

Introduce the problem that the startup is solving
Explain how the startup is solving that problem
Describe the market opportunity for this solution
Share details about the team behind this solution
Explain how much money is being requested and what it will be used for
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