Sales copy for a new app

What are you looking to create?

sales copy for a new app

What are the main points you want to cover?

😎 Put It All Together (Commands + Variables + Structures)

Problem: [e.g. people are too busy to cook, people don't know what to cook, etc.]
Solution: [e.g. meal planning, recipe suggestions, etc.]
How it works: [e.g. user inputs dietary restrictions and preferences, user inputs available ingredients, etc.]
Different types of users: [e.g. busy professionals, families with young children, etc.]
Call to action: [e.g. download now on iOS and Android]

Introduce the problem that the app solves
Describe the solution that the app provides
Explain how the solution works
Give examples of how different types of users have found value in the app
Provide a call to action for downloading or purchasing the app
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