Wedding vows for a couple who is getting married later in life

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wedding vows for a couple who is getting married later in life

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Reader's name: [name of person writing vows]
Spouse's name: [name of reader's spouse]
How you met: [e.g. online, at a party, through a friend, etc.]
What you learned from each other: [e.g. patience, kindness, etc.]
Description of relationship: [e.g. supportive, loving, etc.]
How your relationship has changed over time: [e.g. more open communication, more trust, etc.]
Hopes for the future of your relationship: [e.g. grow old together, travel together, have children together]

Address the reader and their spouse
Share how you met and what you learned from each other
Describe your relationship and how it has changed over time
Share your hopes for the future of your relationship
Promise to continue to support each other in the future
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