LinkedIn bio for recent graduates

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LinkedIn bio for recent graduates

What are the main points you want to cover?

😎 Put It All Together (Commands + Variables + Structures)

Name: [name of user]
Background: [e.g. recent graduate, previous work experience, etc.]
Current situation: [e.g. looking for a job, looking for an internship, etc.]
Goals: [e.g. find a job in the tech industry, find an internship in the tech industry, etc.]
How you can help others reach their goals: [e.g. I'm a hard worker who is willing to learn new skills]
Personal detail about yourself: [e.g. I love to travel or I have two cats]

Introduce yourself and your background
Describe your current situation and goals
Explain how you can help others reach their goals
Share a personal detail about yourself to make you seem more relatable
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