Welcome email to a new customer service representative

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welcome email to a new customer service representative

What are the main points you want to cover?

😎 Put It All Together (Commands + Variables + Structures)

New employee's name: [name of new employee]
Company name: [name of company]
Company mission: [e.g. provide excellent customer service, etc.]
Company values: [e.g. integrity, honesty, etc.]
New employee's role: [e.g. customer service representative, etc.]
Responsibilities in new role: [e.g. answer customer questions, resolve customer issues, etc.]
Resources for learning more about responsibilities in new role: [e.g. training videos, training manual, etc.]

Welcome the reader to the company
Give them a brief overview of the company's mission and values
Explain how their role fits into the company's mission and values
Give them a brief overview of their responsibilities in this role
Provide them with resources for learning more about their responsibilities in this role
Establish a touch point with the reader in the near future
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