What are the main points you want to cover?

Mention the necessary points you want in the generated piece of writing. Make sure to give only the relevant details, and they don’t need to be in full or formalized sentences. Let’s continue our sales landing page from the previous section. For that you may give the input in this section like:

Product: [product/brand/service name and one-liner]
Target audience: [target audience]
-[feature 1]
-[feature 2]
-[benefit 1]
-[benefit 2]

Bonus: You can even give some instructions here. Example, ‘write as 1st person’, ‘add emojis’ etc.

Outline a Structure or Flow


Outline a Structure or Flow

Structure: The flow or pattern that you want the writing to follow.

  • Write a thesis.
  • Write a metaphor that explains the thesis and connects to the key points
  • Use an anecdote, data point, or story to illustrate the metaphor

  • Start with a common pain point
  • Relate to the pain point with a personal experience
  • Tell the reader how a solution alleviates their pain point
  • Inspire them to take action
  • Close with a snappy, motivational comment

  • Start with a benefit
  • Relate to the pain point
  • Share a helpful tip to overcome the problem
  • Inspire them to take action
  • Close with a snappy, motivational comment

  • Start with a metaphor
  • Relate to the pain of
  • Share 3 steps to overcome the problem
  • Inspire them to take action
  • Close with a snappy, motivational comment.

  • Use a hook to get the reader's attention
  • Explain a key problem they face.
  • Agitate the pain point
  • Relate to the pain point
  • Identify a solution the pain point
  • Describe the benefits of this solution.
  • Help the reader take a logical next step

  • State a strong point of view
  • Provide some background information
  • Prove to the reader that the point of view is true
  • Provide evidence to support the idea
  • Unpack the evidence by providing commentary

  • The reaction most people have to a problem
  • What the problem is
  • The steps to solve it
  • The steps to solve it fast
  • What the reader can learn from this

  • Open with a bang and leave an open loop
  • Share a personal story, but don’t finish it
  • Enrich the reader by entertaining and teaching
  • Ask the reader to take one single action
  • Close the story and close the loop at the end
  • Ask for one more action in a P.S. statement

  • Open with a principle, concept or insight
  • Provide a deeper explanation of the insight
  • Give an example of a study or a practical application

  • Opening with a personal story
  • Pose a thought provoking question
  • Share some research
  • Give the reader a personal application
  • Challenge the reader to take a next step

  • Hook the reader with a question or bold statement
  • Share some key facts
  • End with a takeaway that relates to the audience

  • Start with a hook
  • Share important points that relate to the reader
  • End with a stunning statement

  • Complement the reader
  • Bring up a pain point related to [activity]
  • Explain how [product] solves it
  • Invite them to try it out themselves

  • Tease the reader with a product offer
  • Tell them what it’s worth.
  • Tell them what it’s achieved.
  • Offer it for free
  • Get the offer by
  • Close with a sense of urgency

  • poem

(yes, that’s all)

  • Summary of X
  • What does X do
  • Who is X for
  • Why x

  • Catch their attention
  • Build interest / intrigue
  • Spark their desire to grow
  • Call them to action


an educational tip

Topic: podcasting for small business owners
Who is this for: business owners in niche markets.
Purpose: persuade the reader to start their own podcast because you can connect with your audience on a personal level
Written in the 2nd person.
- Start with a benefit
- Relate to the pain point
- Tell the reader how our solution alleviates their pain point
- Inspire them to take action
Close with a snappy, motivational comment


Variables: The specifics for your audience and business

Specify an Audience

  • Who is this for:
  • Target audience:
  • Audience:
  • Customer info:
  • Customer:
  • Industry:
  • A social media post for:
  • To:
  • From:
  • Information about the recipient:

Clarify the Topic

  • Topic:
  • Purpose:
  • Promise:
  • Emotion:
  • Event topic:

Add Additional Details

  • Type of post:
  • Information:
  • Event highlights:
  • Customer background:
  • Thoughts:
  • What to expect next:
  • What they'll get out of it:
  • Key points:
  • Why you should attend:
  • Event details:
  • Benefits:
  • Problem:
  • Problem statement:
  • Solution:
  • Result:
  • Goal:
  • Features:

Describe Your Brand or Product

  • Industry:
  • Business:
  • Mission:
  • Brand:
  • Product::
  • Course:

Share a Takeaway

  • Discount:
  • How to claim:
  • Call-to-action:


an educational tip

Topic: podcasting for small business owners
Who is this for: business owners in niche markets.
Purpose: persuade the reader to start their own podcast because you can connect with your audience on a personal level
Written in the 2nd person.
- Start with a benefit
- Relate to the pain point
- Tell the reader how our solution alleviates their pain point
- Inspire them to take action
Close with a snappy, motivational comment
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